Thursday, October 22, 2009

WIP - Ducati 888

Finally I've finished to apply the carbon decals on the exausts. For the last exaust I used the MicroSet liquid, and I've to tell that it's visible the difference! Another lesson that I learned is that I have to use the lucid colors under all the decals! Now I've applied a Tamiya Smoke color over the decals for turn off a little the shining effect, and the exausts are more realistic. Next step is to connect them with the engine and the frame!
I checked also for apply the photoetchs to the chain but aren't so good. First of all the PE have some imprecision, second, for apply them, I have to work on the original chain... but this work is irreverisble and in case the result with PE isn't good, become impossible to use the original chain. At the moment I tri to paint just the original chain and I will see the result, after I will decide what to do!

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