Monday, October 26, 2009

On my own!

What mean this title and what is this picture. Nothing, just one my idea. The readers knows that in this period I'm busy with the building of the Ducati 888 and my passion for Ducati motorbikes it's big. So, during a building session, I was concentred to watch the model and immediately the idea came out from my head! Build an SPECIAL Ducati by myself and with my taste! Actually I just have the projects in my head and nothing is writing down, but sure I want to realize this my idea! At the same time I think to sell few numbers of this kit... not many, just five.

The name of this motorbike will be 889 (I will respect the usually style of the Ducati, to call their superbikes with a number) and, if the project will be interesting, maybe will follow an Ducati 919.

The picture show the mold for the tank (at the end I will take out a tank for the motorbike from the mold); I just did this mold without pay much care, it's just a test, but I have to say that it's enough right/good. Stay tuned for more info!

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