Monday, August 03, 2009

Here again!

Hy guys, after many times I'm again here for share my modeling experience! I toke my time, I chosed my way (I mean in this hobby) and now I'm ready for restart.
At the end I wont focus my attenction in one only sector of the modeling, I will move throught the 1/12 motorbikes, 1/24 racing cars, airplanes and some war diorama.
Restart mean that I have to take out what I putted on a corner... so the first thing that will be on my bench will be the 1/12 Ducati 888 Tamiya.
After I have to finish The NSX Epson Model, but before I want to do a diorama of the Hungarian tank during the 1956 revolution.
I hope this time I will focus my attenction much more in the modeling and not in the business (buy/sell model).
Stay tuned!

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